The monsoon season brings with it nice breeze and soothing rainfall, but it also may have an unnoticed negative effect on vaginal health. Infections like yeast infections or bacterial vaginosis are made possible by the monsoon season’s humid and wet circumstances, which serve as a haven for bacteria and fungus.
In an interview with Zee News English, Dr Meenal Patvekar, Professor and Consultant Obstetrician and Gynecologist, DPU Private Super Specialty Hospital, Pimpri, Pune shares the common tips to prevent vaginal infections in the monsoon season
Vaginal Infection is one of the common infections amongst women and they are at higher risk of having this infection in the monsoon because of the extent to which dampness and the moist air associated with the rainy season can have an impact on overall vaginal health. The humidity increases the susceptibility to vaginal yeast infections and bacterial vaginosis. Yeast infections are caused by an organism called candida albicans.
Dr Meenal says, “The typical symptoms of this condition are discomfort, redness and irritation around the vulva and curd-like vaginal discharge. Certain factors like poor hygiene practices can ultimately make the condition worse and women need to pay attention to these symptoms as it is necessary and certain practices can prevent these infections.”
Women of all ages are prone to vaginal infections, but some women may be at a higher risk than others. Women with active sexual health, pregnant women, diabetic women or women who intake antibiotics are at higher risk of vaginal infections.
Tips To Prevent Vaginal Infections In Monsoon
Below are the recommendations on how women can prevent vaginal infection.
1. Good hygiene practices
The dampness and moisture attract fungal infections like candidiasis and hence cleaning with warm water and keep the area completely dry is very integral.
2. Drying after washing
Drying and cleaning must be from front to back. Wiping from back to front brings bacteria from the rectum and urethra and increases vaginal contamination. Douching or using medicated washes must be avoided. Avoid strong and scented soaps or other body care items.
3. Avoid synthetic fabrics
Cotton is breathable and soothing. Use of cotton inner wear is a must and synthetic fabrics and tight-fitting jeans and leggings must be avoided as they trap moisture and promote the facilitation of fungal infections. If there is vaginal discharge, frequent changing of innerwear is recommended.
4. Changing Wet clothes
Continued wearing of wet clothes during monsoons must be avoided. Frequent and prompt change is recommended and one can carry an extra pair of clothes to your office or workplace.
5. Avoid Razors
Removing pubic hair with razors must not be practiced. Instead, trimming must be done as minor cuts with razors can cause folliculitis and infection around the vulva, which cause considerable irritation and discomfort.
6. Menstrual Hygiene
During menses, the moisture further increases, hence frequent change of sanitary pads every 4 to 5 hours must be done. Tampons, if used, must be changed at an interval of 2 hours.
5. Sexual health
Use of condoms and gentle cleaning and drying after intercourse prevents vaginal infections.
6. Diet and Hydration
A balanced diet, avoiding sugary foods and adequate hydration go a long way in preventing infections and promoting good vaginal health.
7. Health Checkup
In spite of the above measures and recurrent vaginal infection and discharge, a visit to a gynecologist is recommended for further treatment.
“The vaginal pH is acidic, which prevents infections. Hence, maintenance of vaginal pH and microflora is essential for good vaginal health and keeps such infections at bay,” mentions Dr Meenal.
If you have any strange symptoms or lingering discomfort, you should consult a doctor immediately to ensure an appropriate diagnosis and course of treatment.
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