A video went viral on social media in which two apparent white objects of different sizes could be seen flying “near the moon”.
The video which was posted on TikTok by a user LayLoo said: “What is this object near the moon?”
The video had five million likes.
Although one aircraft appears to remain static in the roughly 30-second video, a smaller object can be seen disappearing behind the Moon.
It remains unclear where the video clip was shot and whether it was modified.
Commenting on the video, users put forth their views about what the object is.
One TikTok user said: “The moon is a space station used by [extraterrestrials] to spy on Earth.”
A person while commenting below the video asked: “Are we not gonna talk about how his phone can zoom in so much?”
There have been several sightings of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) in the North American region in which investigators from the Pentagon also launched a probe into whether they are aliens visiting Earth or something else.
Last year’s investigations from Pentagon suggested that there is evidence regarding any aliens.
“I have not seen anything in those holdings to date that would suggest that there has been an alien visitation, an alien crash, or anything like that,” said Ronald Moultrie, undersecretary of defence for intelligence and security.
In February, The US Air Force general overseeing North American airspace said that after a series of shoot-downs of unidentified objects, he would not rule out aliens or any other explanation yet, deferring to US intelligence experts.
When he was asked whether he is ruling out any existence of extraterrestrial origins of three objects shot down by US warplanes, General Glen VanHerck said: “I’ll let the intel community and the counterintelligence community figure that out. I haven’t ruled out anything.”
Nearly a week earlier, Poland’s defence ministry said the UFO flew into Polish airspace from Belarus.
Poland’s defence ministry said the object blipped on the radar for a while then it disappeared near Rypin, a town in north-central Poland.
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