MG Motor India has launched the MG Comet EV in India with a starting price of Rs 7.98 lakh (ex-showroom). The new EV is designed for urban mobility and has become India’s most affordable electric car, snatching the title from the Tata Tiago EV. Furthermore, the two-door EV undercuts Tata Motors’ electric hatchback by Rs 71,000. This is the one point that pits both models against each other to compete for the consumer’s attention in the Indian market. Hence, here we compare the prices of MG Comet and Tata Tiago EVs.
MG Comet EV Price
The MG Comet EV comes at Rs 7.98 lakh (ex-showroom) in the Indian market. Currently, the car is available in only one variant in the Indian market. However, the price of the car can fluctuate because of the additional accessories and graphics options available with the model. It is to be noted that MG Motor is set to reveal the variant-wise pricing of the car next month, which is expected to increase the upper limit of the price of the EV.
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Tata Tiago EV Price
The Tata Tiago EV in India has a starting price of Rs 8.69 lakh, which goes up to Rs 9.29 lakh for the variant with the 19.2 kWh battery pack. Similarly, the prices of the model start from Rs 10.19 lakh for the 24 kWh battery pack and go up to Rs 11.99 lakh for the most expensive variant. (all prices ex-showroom)
MG Comet EV vs Tata Tiago EV: Range
The MG Comet EV has an advantage over the price of the Tata Tiago EV. Though, the extra money paid for the Tata Tiago EV comes in the form of a bigger battery pack and simultaneously more range. Proving the point, MG Comet EV comes with a 17.3 kWh lithium-ion battery pack and offers a range of up to 230 km on a single charge. Whereas the Tata Tiago EV offers two battery pack options, i.e., 19.2 kWh and 24 kWh (depending on the trim of the vehicle). These battery packs provide a range of up to 250 km and 315 km on a single charge, respectively.
MG Comet EV vs Tata Tiago EV: Specs
One electric motor is provided to both the MG Comet and the Tata Tiago EV. The Tiago EV produces 60 & 74 bhp, depending on the model, compared to the Comet’s 42 bhp.
The Tiago EV can take up to 8.7 hours to fully charge compared to the Comet’s 7 hours. It’s important to note that whereas the Tiago EV can be charged using a DC fast charger in just 58 minutes, the MG Comet does not allow DC fast charging.
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