Home Health Eva ‘doing really good’ after spinal surgery

Eva ‘doing really good’ after spinal surgery

Eva ‘doing really good’ after spinal surgery


After Eva’s story made headlines, a third surgeon suggested a nine-hour operation could relieve Eva’s pain and improve her prognosis. It went ahead in April.

Eva’s mum, Jill Lockhart, said Eva’s spine was now “poker straight”, relieving her pain and prolonging her life, although her progressive condition means she is still in respiratory failure.

Ms Lockhart praised the staff on the wards for the care Eva received but said the way the management team treated them was “disgraceful”.

The family said they had yet to receive an apology from NHS Lothian.

Dr Tracey Gillies, NHS Lothian’s medical director, said: “Although we have apologised to Eva and her family face-to-face on a number of occasions, we understand how distressing it is to have a procedure postponed and I would like to repeat our sincere apology once again.”

She added: “Medical opinions, particularly in such a complex area, can differ and is the reason that cases are discussed with the full clinical team before any treatment decisions are made.”

Eva will turn 11 on Friday.

Her mother said they could not have asked for a better birthday present for her.

If things go well, Eva will be able to return to a special school for children with complex needs after the summer holidays – two years after she last spent time in a class with other children.

Her dad said that for now Eva is happy watching cartoons and enjoying eating her favourite macaroni cheese and plenty of chocolate.

He said: “It’s been a rollercoaster but she’s getting her personality back and having a life again. That’s what we wanted all along.”


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