Home Life Style Career To Me Time, 6 Things Mothers Should Never Feel Guilty About – News18

Career To Me Time, 6 Things Mothers Should Never Feel Guilty About – News18

Career To Me Time, 6 Things Mothers Should Never Feel Guilty About – News18


Mothers should always spend time with themselves.

Mothers should always spend time with themselves.

Mothers often face difficulties managing their familial and professional lives. It should not be a reason to feel guilty and abandon your professional goals.

Being a mother is one of the toughest jobs in the world. Millions of women have to sacrifice their careers and aspirations to look after their children and families. Sometimes, they even develop a sense of guilt for doing regular things. So, here is a list of all the things mothers should stop feeling guilty about and rather, indulge in those.

Making Time for Yourself

Most of the time mothers have to take care of everyone’s needs, even forgetting about their own. But they should keep in mind that their mental as well as physical well-being is of utmost importance. So, engage in your hobbies discarding any guilt you may harbour.

Asking for Help from Others

Always remember to ask for help from others, especially your loved ones, like your spouse and children. Asking for help would even help you strengthen your relationships.

Important to Your Career

Women often face difficulties managing their familial and professional lives. It should not be a reason to feel guilty and abandon your professional goals. Chase your dreams without any sense of guilt.

Refusing to Say No

Moms are expected to say yes to the requests of others, which can be very unhealthy. So, if you do not want to do something, it is ok to say no to it.

Spending Time with Loved Ones

Usually, mothers are busy looking after the needs of their kids and while it is important, they might forget to devote some of their time to others. Remember to spend some time with people who love you, like your siblings, friends, parents and spouse.

Spending Time Alone

After the birth of children, moms are required to be with them almost all the time. However, after a few years, they can indulge in some me-time, which would be greatly beneficial for their mental well-being.


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